50% off 8 weeks + extra 10%
£33.50/week(inc. tax)
£67.00 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every 4 weeks
50% off for up to 8 weeks
Total (inc. tax)
After discount period

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Your storage requirements

Any day from today to 8th December.

Contents insurance

We strive to keep your possessions safe, but some risks are beyond our control. Therefore, goods protection is required when storing with us. Our bespoke self-storage contents protection is competitively priced, comprehensive, and easy to arrange.

Please select the new-for-old replacement value for your stored goods.

If you choose £0, you must email us a copy of your own policy before moving in, ensuring it includes our name, branch address, and coverage value.
Insurance cover cost
/week (inc. tax)

Please note

We understand plans change. That's why it's free to change the move-in date, unit size, or cancel altogether right up until your move-in day!
Payments are secure and encrypted.

150 sq. ft

Comparable to the size of a standard single garage

50% off 8 weeks + extra 10%
£33.50/week(inc. tax)
£67.00 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every 4 weeks
50% off for up to 8 weeks
Total (inc. tax)
After discount period