50% off 8 weeks + extra 10%
£31.90/week(inc. tax)
£63.80 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every 4 weeks
50% off for up to 8 weeks
Total (inc. tax)
After discount period

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Your storage requirements

Any day from today to 10th May.

Contents insurance

Select your protection cover level below*

Goods protection is essential when storing with us due to risks beyond our control. 

If you choose £0, provide your own policy via email, including our name, branch address, and coverage value, before moving in.
Insurance cover cost
/week (inc. tax)

Security deposit

Upon booking, a refundable security deposit will be charged. It's returned upon vacating, unless damages or other terms are not met. If you cancel before move in day, the deposit will be returned in full.

Deposit amount

Please note

No payment is needed until move-in day. Card details are required for setup, but no charges will be made.
Payments are secure and encrypted.

200 sq. ft - Ground Floor

The contents of a 4-5 bedroom house, garage and garden shed

50% off 8 weeks + extra 10%
£31.90/week(inc. tax)
£63.80 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every 4 weeks
50% off for up to 8 weeks
Total (inc. tax)
After discount period
Billed once, today
Security deposit
Total (inc. tax)